Do not consume excessive fat
Research shows that the more fat consumed, the less you absorb other nutrients, which consequently encourages you to be overweight.
Generally, the less you process food, the lower the fat content in it. Consider eating a baked potato instead of fries or potato chips, for example. Or better eat whole wheat bread instead of croissants. If you like to eat salad, mayonnaise or salad dressing use more low-fat. Or if you are a fan of hodgepodge, not too many mixed vegetables with peanut sauce. Limit your intake of sweet foods rich in fat once a week. Read the nutrition label carefully. And when you buy canned food, choose fat content of no more than 3 grams per 100 calories.
eat breakfast
Eat breakfast, because make no mistake, usually people who do not have breakfast at noon will feel hungry and be tempted to steal the opportunity ngemil.Bekerja with an empty stomach will also make it difficult to concentrate.
Avoid foods that are sweet: sweet type of food can indeed make you feel full, but also can make you drowsy. To control the appetite, choose a balanced breakfast with carbohydrate composition. While fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and cereals can stabilize blood sugar, causing a sense of satiety.
Make a note of your diet program
That is a record of the foods you consume daily. With a notebook, you will be more careful whenever you want to eat a meal. Because each what you eat then you must write it in the note. With notes will help you to pinpoint what triggers your situation to the berlebihan.Catatan eat at once will lead you to distinguish between consciousness and eat a meal with lust.
Add a serving of nuts
Nuts such as soy beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, peanuts, cashew nuts, and lentils are the types of foods low in fat, filling, rich in fiber, protein and carbohydrates. These foods contain many nutrients that are very good for women. But many of us who ate nuts amounts kecil.Konsumsi nuts slowly, for about a week, to allow the body to adjust to changes in dietary fiber Anda.Perhatikan addition of sodium, salt and the food processing method. In order not to get bored, you can meraciknya be a variety of foods, such as salad, soup, or gado-gado, or bean porridge,
Enough consumption of fiber
Fruits, vegetables or wheat products are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral.Jika sometimes you get bored you can replace the white bread, noodles or cake with whole-grain bread, cereal or pasta. In order to taste more delicious, you can mix the cereal with fresh fruits, or whole wheat bread with slices of chicken breast and vegetables. If you like to snack, try changing the snack-sweet snacks with fresh fruits.
How to diet properly
Nicolas Sri