
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Know The Symptoms And Mesothelioma

Know The Symptoms And Mesothelioma People who often work available that contain many hazardous substances will definitely be affected. Although there is only a slight chemical substance when inhaledcontinually terntunya will be very harmful for the health. For example only people who often work closely with asbestos fibers. It's seointas it's okay but if you keep left and meraka less maintaining health, as a result of health would be impaired and the more it gets worse again will cause cancers that can kill at any time.
Understanding Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer that is very rare and only suffered by certain people. This cancer develops in the cells of meshothelium, while meshothelium it is a membrane that forms the lining of several body cavities for example just like chest cavity, abdominal cavity, SAC of the heart. Malignant disease is most commonly found in workers who often inhaling substances contained in asbestos.

Causes Of Mesothelioma
1. Often encountered asbestos so that substances ingested or inhaled even ashes were, besides those sekitarnyapun could be affected for example only your wife or children that often wash clothes of her husband who worked with asbestos can also trigger cancer.

2. The neighborhood contained many substances erionite mineral zeolite or a substance very similar to asbestos fibers. also capable of resulting in a population exposed to disease malignant Mesothelioma.

3. Mesothelioma can be caused by asbestos in the building. Own DiInggris there is a ban on use of asbestos because of its nutritional moderately dangerous.

Symptoms Of Mesothelioma

  • Chest pain feels once
  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Anemia occurs or a deficiency of red blood cells
  • Often feel exhausted
  • The sound became very hoarse and coughing In fact there are also experiencing cough phlegm so but there is blood in it
A variety of Mesothelioma
1. Epithelioid Mesothelioma
2. Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma
3. Biphasic Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

If you are one of the workers who often come into contact with asbestos, and experiencing the above symptoms then you should immediately kedokter and diagnose the disease. There are several ways to diagnose Mesothelioma among others

  • X-tray
  • Biopsy
  • Immunochemystri
The Deployment Stages Of Mesothelioma
Stage I
In the first stage of Mesothelioma the lymph nodes have not been in a State of developing. In addition any kankernya yet in a State that is very severe and not spread on the organ-orann and other body tissues.
Stage II
When Mesothelioma is at the second stage, the size is enlarged and attack the lungs. Even the lymph beningpun could join exposed too. When meothelioma are on phase 2 stage the patient could still do oprasi. Although the possibility of kankernya already spread both sides of the pleura.
Stage III
At this stage means the kankernya was already badly enough and already can not do oprasi or surgery on the patient. Damage will occur at the regional lymph nodes, esophagus and chest wall.
Stage IV
This is the stage in the final part in artiankanker's been attacked in some other areas. Oprasi already there will be no point to it again when you have reached the final stage. Because cancer isn't just spread on the chest area but has also spread across parts of the far away from the place of origin of the cancer was growing.

Treatment Of Mesothelioma
We already know for the time the cancer is still not commonly known cure, however there are some alternative treatments which must be traveled if contracted Mesothelioma among others
1. Surgical
They are actually doing surgery on cancer oprasi long-time become less believable because of the level of success is small. Sometimes though it manages to kakkernya cells will grow again — is growing again. Even the people who did the surgery is only able to survive for less than 12 months or a year.
2. Radiation
Bersaan radiation is often given with chemotherapy. With the entry of the disease still mentolelir radical operation. So the radioasi can be used as a treatment of konsolidatif post surgery. Do while chemotherapy and radiation after surgery will increase the life expectancy of the patient. But its side effects are very severe and very severe,
3. Chemotherapy
If that is surely you also hear it right diistilah diseinetron film SOAP. Chemotherapy is a treatment for the disease Mesothelioma that is proven to increase life kalangsungan many patients. Patients who were initially only able to survive for less than 12 months could survive for 13 months.

There are many more ways that treatment such as
  • Clinical Trials
  • Multimodalitas Therapy
  • Introaperative Heated Intraperitoneal chemotherapy
But you guys know sendirikan cancer-malignant diseases once and an awful lot ofpatients who died. But to remember we can't once in times predating the destiny of God and memvinis ourselves will not be cured and will die. Try to keep a positivethought da never gave up. Because who knows only Lord memberaikan wonder tous. And for those of you who are currently in a healthy condition, engage in some way to prevent cancer, because preventing is better than cure.

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