Causes Of Enlarged Facial Pores
Large Pores On The Face
Sometimes we get annoyed with the problems of facial pores are enlarged, so that we can resolve the issue, it would be nice if know what are the things that can cause the pores on the face dilate. The following are factors in the cause of enlarged facial pores:
1. Genetic Factors
You have pores large face? Maybe it's because of genetic factors, you are trying to see your family, if there are any members of your family who has a facial pores are great? If Yes, then most likely cause the pores on your face because of genetic factors, or hereditary factors.
2. Excess oil production
The body naturally produces oil, and indeed one of the functions of the oil is to protect the skin from a skin problem does not dry and avoid the dirt. But if the levels of excess oil on skin, it can also be bad for the skin that one can be a trigger for dilated pores of the skin, including the pores on the skin of the face.
3. Dirt
For cause on this one, other than caused by impurities such as dust and pollution, can also be caused by residual riasa make-up you use yourself. The use of cosmetic products/beauty products can indeed make you look more beautiful. But did you know, use beauty tools can also be a cause of skin damage if you forget to clean it, let alone to sleep overnight carried away so that your skin can not breathe, due to blockage of the pores on your skin.
4. The growth of bacteria on the skin
One of the causes of enlarged facial pores is due to the growth of bacteria on your face. One of his mark was with the appearance of blackheads or dark spots of your diwajah. So the pores on your face skin dilate.
5. The Sun
The benefits of sunlight for health is indeed a lot of sunlight, but can also provide an adverse effect on your skin. Why? Because exposure to sunlight can make the cells on the surface of your skin to become thick and give the impression of your pores look large.
6. Less good at Maintaining the cleanliness of the Skin
It is basically a human born with a smooth skin without acne or pores. But all the problems on the skin include large pores arises because we are not good at maintaining the cleanliness of the skin, making skin health became impaired. Does look trivial but in the worst case, less good at cleaning the skin can be a cause of skin cancer.
How to cope with large pores on the skin of the face.?
Once we know what are the causes of dilated pores on the face, maybe you already know what you should do. However, as a complement, here I'll also share tips to shrink large pores on the face naturally using traditional ways, of course.
1. Clean your Face
Last mentioned that one of the causes of the pores on the face is enlarged because of the cleanliness of the face that are less secure. So, to overcome this problem, we have to be clever-clever facial cleanse, especially if you've got better throughout the day. Cleanse your skin from dust and pollution also from the remnants of beauty tool usage.
2. Exfoliate
What is exfoliation? exfoliate that is lifting or clean the dead skin so the skin becomes look more healthy. How do you do? You can use the product contains salicylic acid by wearing Scrubs to remove and clean the dead skin cells, excess oil and bacteria from your face.
3. Protect your skin from the Sun
One of the causes of enlarged skin pores is due to sun exposure. So to prevent this, we recommend using such physical protective hats, protective skin cream and payun while you are outside of the home.
4. Clean oil
The production of excess oil can also make skin pores dilate so from that, we are also obliged to maintain and clean the excess oil from the skin. You can do this by using paper or paper towels. Since both of these materials are able to absorb the oil.
That's some way shrink facial pores naturally and easy to dilaukan of course. Friend had the powerful tips to shrink facial pores? Please share in the comments field, so that other readers also know. Remember why, have information that do not dipendem, but shared to make it more useful, betuk tidal? Hopefully this article can provide benefits specifically for authors and generally for all of you readers.
How to Shrink Facial pores Naturally and easily
Nicolas Sri